Wednesday 6 August 2008

Two-sided pressure mounts on SAG leaders

Members, studios seeking confirmation vote

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SAG's leaders are coming under increasing reversible pressure -- from an impatient membership and from the studios that are gingerly ramping up film production -- to put the AMPTP's "final proffer" up for ratification.

Sony's Roland Emmerich tentpole "2012" and Disney's "Prince of Persia" are deuce big-ticket studio productions that have begun shooting.

There is a growing sense that the stalemate between the sides volition extend through September, when the guild's leadership will be up for reelection. While it's possible there are under-the-table outreach efforts under means, there has been virtually no formal contact betwixt SAG and the studios for closely two weeks. The AMPTP has not received whatever phone calls, e-mails or other forms of communication from SAG. But as one Los Angeles SAG board member put it, "It's a two-way street. The AMPTP knows where to rule us."

The to the highest degree likely scenario now, according to a source close to the AMPTP, is that there will be no movement until SAG's national elections are held.

"Everyone is functional under the assumption that nothing will happen until there is an election and the results are known," the source aforementioned. "I think SAG idea, 'Let's sweep up this into July and August; let's force the studios to make a mistake. Maybe they'll levy, maybe they'll lock us out, and that will galvanize the members and then we'll get a strike vote.' That didn't happen."

Now, the national election is likely to become a referendum on the bargaining committee's efforts and potential to accomplish a narrow. The actors have been working without a condense since June 30, when the accord expired and the studios delivered their final offer.

"The only leslie Townes Hope the Hollywood board has is, they win their election by a well-to-do margin, then they go to the studios and they say, 'This shows we have strong funding for what we're doing,'" the source said.

That wouldn't inevitably bring the studios, which refused to consider a counter provide from SAG after breaking off talks, back to the mesa. The studios, according to the source, would fundamentally say to SAG, "Go ahead. You won your election. Go take your strike vote and find out what you get."

SAG's leadership would likely non be able to muster the 75% vote necessary to empower a strike barring whatsoever inflammatory actions -- such as a lockout -- by the studios.

And scorn last week's show of unity by SAG's gameboard, which nemine contradicente passed a resolution reaffirming the guild's determination to bring all new-media work under its jurisdiction, thither are clear signs that many within the unification would like to discover the abridge offer brought to a vote.

Several Emmy nominees lately used that platform to urge a vote on the extend, and several New York board members say turned the record book that their patience is wearing thin. The regional boards that opposed SAG's efforts to undercut AFTRA's agreement john be expected to be in the forefront of those pushing for a vote.

"If we're not sightedness any motility or signs of life, you can buoy expect to hear considerable pressure approach from all parts of the nation, including Hollywood and the Unite for Strength sect," one New York dining table member said.

A SAG spokeswoman Thursday declined to comment on potentiality pressure to call for a vote on its leadership.

Meanwhile, motion-picture show production is beginning again. Columbia's "2012" began cinematography this workweek in Vancouver. The production, which testament feature heavy special effects, comes with a contingency plan in case of an actors walkout or strike.

On Wednesday, Disney CEO Robert Iger told investors, "We have distinct to act forward with a number of our productions and address whatever issues later as they arise." Disney's "Persia," which has begun filming, besides has some wiggle way since the studio has shifted the film's aforethought release particular date from June 19 of next year to May 28 in 2010.

A Uni exec in agreement that film production would begin to kick in again soon. The studio has the Judd Apatow project "Funny People" and "Lost for Words" scheduled to photograph in September.

Andrew Salomon of Back Stage East and Borys Kit contributed to this report.

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